1. Belief in One God
Surely (Tauhid religion) this is the religion of all of you; religions are one and I am your Lord, so worship Me. (Qur'an 21:92)

Surely (Tauhid religion), is the religion of all of you, one religion, and I am your Lord, so keep your duty to Me. (Qur'an 23:52)

2. Just and Civilized Humanity
Verily Allah tells (you) Applies fair and do good, giving to kinsfolk, and God forbid of indecency, munkar and hostility. He teaches you that ye may take heed. (Qur'an 16:90)

and Shoaib said: "O my people, cukupkanlah measure and weight with justice and do not harm humans against their rights and do not make the evil in the world to make mischief. (Qur'an 11:85)

O ye who believe, be ye So people always uphold the (truth) for Allah, bearing witness with justice. and let not hatred of anything the time, encouraging you to apply unfair. Be fair, as fair it is closer to piety. and fear Allah, for Allah knows what you do. (5:8)

3. Unity of Indonesia
O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female and made you a nation - peoples and tribes that ye may know each other-knowing. Verily the most honorable of you with Allah is the most pious among you. Surely Allah is knowing, All-Aware. (Qur'an 49:13)

4. Democracy guided by the wisdom of representative deliberation wisdom.
So due to the grace of Allah you Applicable lenient with them. Had ye be harder to be rude, they would abstain from all around you. Therefore ma'afkanlah them, beseech forgiveness for them, and bermusyawaratlah with them in the affair. then when you have made up my mind, then put thy trust in Allah. Truly Allah loves those who sole trust in Him (Qur'an 3:159)

and (for) those who accept (obey) the call of his Lord and establish the prayer, while none of their (adopted) by musyawarat between them, and they spend most of the sustenance which We have given them. (Qur'an 42:38)

5. Social justice for all Indonesian people
And We sent thee not, but for (a) a mercy for the worlds. (Qur'an 21:107


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